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Scotland in a Week

In het kort:

Not afraid of frocking up in a kilt and jumping on the bagpipes? Perhaps you've got some Scottish blood! And lucky you if you do. Home to mystical castles, glorious highlands and enough whisky to booze the Loch Ness Monster, you'll be head over heels with...

6 Dagen
Volgend vertrek
± EUR 951,00
Prijs per dag
± EUR 159,00
Tour Type

  • Overzicht
  • Datums en Details
  • Kaart, Bestemmingen
  • Contiki
Scotland in a Week
18 - 35 Jaar
tour categorytour category

Map: Scotland in a Week (Contiki)

In het kort

Not afraid of frocking up in a kilt and jumping on the bagpipes? Perhaps you've got some Scottish blood! And lucky you if you do. Home to mystical castles, glorious highlands and enough whisky to booze the Loch Ness Monster, you'll be head over heels with all things Scottish by the time your week of adventure here is up.

Dag 1
Start Edinburgh
Dag 2
Dag 3
Edinburgh To Scottish Highlands
Dag 4
Scottish Highlands To Glasgow Via Glenfinnan Viadu...
Dag 5
Dag 6
End Glasgow

Reisbestemmingen (2): Edinburgh, Glasgow


Dining Summary

  • 5 Breakfast (B)
  • 1 Dinner (D)

Included Experience

  • St. Andrews: If you like golf, you’ll love St Andrews. But if you think it spoils a nice walk in the park, there’s also Swilcan Bridge.
  • Fort William: Heads up ‘Potterheads’. Keep your eyes peeled for the Hogwarts Express.
  • Loch Ness: Sit back, relax and cruise along the loch with your Contiki crew. But keep your eyes peeled and camera ready for mythical ‘Nessie’.
  • Stirling: Explore the sights of Stirling and get a selfie with the memorial to the iconic Scottish knight.



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IATA The Travel Corporation Abta TreadRight WYSE Travel Safe Travels

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