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Latin America Sojourn; Costa Rica, Panama, Cartagena

In het kort:

Jungle, wildlife and ocean mysteries. Our Latin America Sojourn has monkeys, macaws, and butterflies. Rainforests, islands, and the Panama Canal—plus plenty of history, culture and connection. Explore the diverse places of Panama, Costa Rica, and Colombia...

11 Dagen
Volgend vertrek
± EUR 8.750,00
Prijs per dag
± EUR 864,00

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  • UnCruise
UnCruise Adventures
Safari Voyager
Latin America Sojourn; Costa Rica, Panama, Cartagena
Luxus Reis

In het kort

Jungle, wildlife and ocean mysteries. Our Latin America Sojourn has monkeys, macaws, and butterflies. Rainforests, islands, and the Panama Canal—plus plenty of history, culture and connection. Explore the diverse places of Panama, Costa Rica, and Colombia by kayak, skiff, and guided hikes on this 10-night, 11-day adventure cruise.

Dagprogramma / Reisroute

Dag 1.
Cartagena Embarkation
Dag 2.
Cartagena / Archipelago Of San Bernadino
Dag 3.
Capurgana / Sapzurro
Dag 4.
Captain's Choice
Dag 5.
Guna Yala / San Blas, Panama
Dag 6.
Panama Canal
Dag 7.
Isla Iguana
Dag 8.
Coiba National Park
Dag 9.
Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
Dag 10.
Osa Conservation Area
Dag 11.
San Jose, Costa Rica Disembarkation

Reislanden (2): Colombia, Costa Rica

Havens (4): Cartagena, Golfo Dulce, Osa Conservation Area, San Jose


  • Panama Canal late afternoon or night transit
  • Visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Coiba National Park
  • Tour the colorful and colonial walled city of old Cartagena
  • Indigenous cultures: meet Guna people
  • Marine life search in the Gulf of Panama and explore Isla Taboga
  • Tropical rainforest hikes—watch for howler monkeys, scarlet macaws, white faced capuchins, and sloths
  • Explore flora and fauna of the mangroves by kayak and skiff
  • Stroll a private butterfly- and flower-rich tropical preserve
  • Kayaking, skiffing, and bird watching in the Pearl Islands
  • Snorkel at Coiba National Park
  • B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner


Safari Voyager
Type schip
Cruise schip
Max. Passagiers



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