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South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari

In het kort:

Our South Georgia and Antarctica: Penguin Safari itinerary is the fastest way to get to the seldom visited South Georgia Island while also setting foot on the 7th continent. As we set sail, photograph massive albatross and beautiful pintado petrels as the...

18 Dagen
Volgend vertrek
± EUR 23.941,00
± EUR 16.759,00
Prijs per dag
± EUR 1.011,00

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  • Quark
Quark Expeditions
Ocean Explorer
South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari
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In het kort

Our South Georgia and Antarctica: Penguin Safari itinerary is the fastest way to get to the seldom visited South Georgia Island while also setting foot on the 7th continent. As we set sail, photograph massive albatross and beautiful pintado petrels as they swoop and soar around the ship, guiding us toward South Georgia. Beaches teeming with king penguins and elephant seals greet us on this fabled island, where we'll pay our respects to famed explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. Antarctica awaits, with its soaring peaks and staggering expanse. Go further into the Antarctic sea on a Zodiac, experience the rugged peninsula from a sea kayak, undertake an exhilarating hike up a sparkling glacier, or share an endearingly comical moment with an inquisitive gentoo, chinstrap and Adélie penguin. In these ways and countless others, Antarctica will amaze, surprise and delight.Starting in 2021, this itinerary allows you to the opportunity to experience our pioneering new vessel, Ultramarine. This purpose-built vessel is designed to extend the boundaries of polar exploration and offer an unmatched Antarctic experience, including a flightseeing tour you'll never forget and a range of adventure options more extensive than any other ship in its class.

Map: South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari (Quark)

Dagprogramma / Reisroute

Dag 1.
Arrive In Ushuaia, Argentina
Dag 2.
Dag 3-6.
At Sea
Dag 7-9.
South Georgia
Dag 10-11.
At Sea
Dag 12-15.
Antarctic Peninsula
Dag 16-17.
Crossing The Drake Passage
Dag 18.
Disembark In Ushuaia

Reislanden (3): Antarktika (Argentinie), Argentinië, Zuid-Georgia

Havens (4): Antarctic Peninsula, Drake Passage, South Georgia, Ushuaia


  • See South Georgia's incredible wildlife, including 30 breeding bird species and four penguin speciesFollow in the wake of Sir Ernest Shackleton's perilous voyages to South Georgia and pause for a moment at his grave siteExplore the Antarctic Peninsula by ship, Zodiac and footEnjoy presentations on wildlife, history, glaciology & geology by our onboard polar expertsImmerse yourself in the icy realm of the Antarctic, with an optional paddling excursion
  • Schipinfomatie

    Ocean Explorer
    Type schip
    Expeditie Schip
    Max. Passagiers



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